Marc Luvuyo Malumba
Marc Luvuyo Malumba , also known to many others as “Marcus”, “Garvey” or “Sigma”, was born in 1992 and he grew up in Johannesburg where he continues to work and stay.
He is a multidisciplinary Visual Artist, Photographer, Writer and Entrepreneur, who kickstarted his arts from a very young age through fun and games.
He gained interest which then influenced and led him to pursue his craft in the field of creativefine arts.
Out of interest, curiosity and passion he ventured into photography to understand how the camera works through Film and Television altogether, all his time, energy was invested and spent on the research and development of his practice where he got to refine he’s own unique visual signature also to nurture his skills and talents as a photographer by working on numerous projects in the industry. Marc has established a reputation by his command of different mediums such as Oils and Paint techniques and somewhat descriptive and informative.